Percentage of a Number Calculator

Introducing our online calculator, designed to swiftly calculate percentage of a number with ease and precision. Whether you're analyzing finances or solving math problems, our intuitive interface simplifies the process. Say goodbye to manual calculations and streamline your work with our efficient online percentage calculator.

Quick tip:

Press Tab key to move to the next field. Press Shift + Tab keys to move to the previous field. Press Enter key to calculate the result.

Percentage of a number

To calculate the percentage of a number, enter the percentage you want to calculate in the first field. Enter the number from which you want to calculate the percentage in the second field.


How to calculate the percentage from a number

Calculating a percentage might seem tricky at first, but it's actually quite simple! Let's learn how to do it step by step.

Step 1: What is a Percentage?

Think of a percentage as a way to show parts of a whole. It's like dividing something into smaller pieces to understand how much each part is.

Step 2: Understanding 1%

1% is 1 hundredth of the whole.

Imagine you have 100 LEGO blocks. 1% would be like having just 1 of those blocks.

  • 100/100=1

If you have 500 LEGO blocks. 1% would be like having just 5 of those blocks.

  • 500/100=5

Step 3: Turning Percentages into Fractions

Let's say we want to find out what 10% of a number is. We can turn that percentage into a fraction. A fraction is just a way to represent a part of a whole.

  • 10% becomes 10 out of every 100, which is written as 10/100.

Step 4: Multiply to Find the Percentage

To find out what 10% of a number is, you multiply that number by the fraction we just made (10/100).

  • For example, if the number is 50, then you do:
    • 50 * (10/100)=5

Calculate percentage of a number Formula

A% of B=A100 × B

e.g. 3% of 200=3100 × 200=6

Calculate percentage of a number in Google Sheets

Formula is =(B2/100)*A2, where B2 is the number, and A2 is the percentage.

percentage of a number in Google Sheets
  • Number: This column represents the number you want to find the percentage of.
  • Percentage: This column represents the percentage you want to calculate.
  • Result: This column displays the result of the calculation, which is 6 in this example.