Percentage Calculator QuickPercent

Percentage Increase Calculator

Easily determine the percentage increase with our reliable and straightforward online calculator. Whether you're evaluating financial growth, solving percentage-related problems, or comparing values, our tool simplifies the process for you. Avoid manual calculations and save time with our efficient and user-friendly calculator.

Quick tip:

Press Tab key to move to the next field. Press Shift + Tab keys to move to the previous field. Press Enter key to calculate the result.

Percentage Increase

To calculate the percentage increase, type a starting number in the first field. Enter the final number in the second field.


How to calculate the percentage increase

Calculating a percentage increase might sound tricky, but it's actually quite simple! Let's learn how to do it step by step.

Step 1: Understand What a Percentage Increase Means

A percentage increase tells us how much something has grown or gotten bigger compared to its original size. It's like measuring how much a plant has grown after watering it!

Step 2: Gather Your Numbers

You'll need two numbers: the original number (before) and the new number (after). For example:

  • Before: 100 (the original number)
  • After: 123 (the new number)

Step 3: Find the Difference

To find out how much the number increased, subtract the original number from the new number:

Difference = After - Before

In our example: Difference = 123 - 100 = 23

Step 4: Calculate the Percentage Increase

Now, to find the percentage increase, divide the difference by the original number and multiply by 100:

Percentage Increase = (Difference / Before) · 100%

In our example: Percentage Increase = (23 / 100) · 100% = 23%

Step 5: Understand the Result

A positive percentage increase (+23%) means the number has grown or increased by 23%. That's like getting extra cookies in your jar!

Let's Recap:

  • Percentage Increase tells us how much something has grown or gotten bigger compared to its original size.
  • Gather Your Numbers: Before and After.
  • Find the Difference: Subtract Before from After.
  • Calculate the Percentage Increase: Divide the Difference by Before and multiply by 100.
  • Understand the Result: A positive percentage increase means growth or increase.

Calculate percentage increase in Google Sheets

Formula is =(B2-A2)/A2*100, where A2 is the "Before" number, and B2 is the "After" number.

percentage increase in Google Sheets
  • Before: This column represents the number before increase.
  • After: This column represents the number after increase.
  • Increase %: This column displays what is the percentage increase.