Add Percentage Calculator

Introducing our online calculator, designed to swiftly calculate percentage addition with ease and precision. Whether you're analyzing finances or solving math problems, our intuitive interface simplifies the process. Say goodbye to manual calculations and streamline your work with our efficient online percentage calculator.

Quick tip:

Press Tab key to move to the next field. Press Shift + Tab keys to move to the previous field. Press Enter key to calculate the result.

Add a percentage to a number

To add a percentage to a number, enter a starting number in the first field. Enter the percentage you want to add to the initial number in the second field.


How to add percentage to a number

Adding a percentage to a number is easy and useful for finding an increased value. Let's learn how to do it step by step!

Step 1: Understand What Adding a Percentage Means

When you add a percentage to a number, you're increasing that number by a certain portion of itself. It's like applying a markup to a product price!

Step 2: Gather Your Numbers

You'll need two things: the original number and the percentage you want to add. For example:

  • Original Number: 200
  • Percentage to Add: 15%

Step 3: Convert the Percentage to a Decimal

To use percentages in calculations, convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing by 100:

Decimal=Percentage / 100

In this example: Decimal=15 / 100=0.15

Step 4: Multiply the Original Number by the Decimal

Next, multiply the original number by the decimal to find the amount to add:

Amount to Add=Original Number × Decimal

In our example: Amount to Add=200 × 0.15=30

Step 5: Add the Amount to the Original Number

Finally, add the calculated amount to the original number to find the new, increased value:

New Value=Original Number + Amount to Add

In this case: New Value=200 + 30=230

Let's Recap:

  • Adding a Percentage increases the original number by a certain portion.
  • Gather Your Numbers: The original number and the percentage to add.
  • Convert to Decimal: Divide the percentage by 100.
  • Multiply the Original Number by the Decimal to find the amount to add.
  • Add the Amount to the original number to get the increased value.

Add percentage to a number in Excel or Google Sheets

Formula is =A2+(A2*B2/100), where A2 is the number, and B2 is the percentage.

percentage of a number in Excel or Google Sheets
  • Number: This column represents the number to which you want to add the percentage.
  • %: This column represents the percentage you want to add to the number.
  • Result: This column displays the result of the calculation.

Popular Percentage Addition Calculations

1. Sales Tax Calculation

Scenario: You're buying a product that costs $50, and the sales tax is 8%.

Calculation: Add 8% to $50.

$50 × 0.08=$4 (Amount to Add)

$50 + $4=$54 (Total Price)

Result: After adding 8% sales tax, the total price is $54.

2. Salary Increase Calculation

Scenario: You received a 5% raise on your annual salary of $40,000.

Calculation: Add 5% to $40,000.

$40,000 × 0.05=$2,000 (Amount to Add)

$40,000 + $2,000=$42,000 (New Salary)

Result: After the raise, your new annual salary is $42,000.

3. Discount Calculation

Scenario: You found a pair of shoes for $80, and the store offers a 25% discount.

Calculation: Subtract 25% from $80.

$80 × 0.25=$20 (Amount to Subtract)

$80 - $20=$60 (Discounted Price)

Result: After the 25% discount, the price of the shoes is $60.

4. Investment Growth Calculation

Scenario: You invested $10,000 in a fund, and it grows by 12% over the year.

Calculation: Add 12% to $10,000.

$10,000 × 0.12=$1,200 (Amount to Add)

$10,000 + $1,200=$11,200 (New Value)

Result: After one year, your investment is worth $11,200.

5. Markup Calculation

Scenario: You bought a product for $150 and want to sell it with a 30% markup.

Calculation: Add 30% to $150.

$150 × 0.30=$45 (Amount to Add)

$150 + $45=$195 (Selling Price)

Result: After adding a 30% markup, the selling price is $195.